Revising and Refocussing your Business For Q4

Revising and Refocussing your Business For Q4

Q4 isn’t just a time for back to school sales – take some time to review your performance and plan for business growth. It’s September, and you know what that means?. No, we don’t mean the kids going back to school. Though it is a nice coincidence that the start of a...
Are Your Processes GDPR Compliant?

Are Your Processes GDPR Compliant?

The Ultimate GDPR Checklist For Your Business Processes It’s been nearly 4 months since GDPR hit the stage and became a legal requirement. And contrary to what the internet would have you believe; the world didn’t end! Business still goes on as usual, and it wasn’t...
6 ways to grow your business

6 ways to grow your business

For many people starting their own business is a dream come true. They have the promise of flexible working and doing something that they love.  But when their idea takes off, they can suddenly have the unexpectedly pleasant challenge of not having enough hours in the...